




# 1. 首先拉取bitxhub项目源代码
mkdir ~/bitxhub-v1.6 && git clone https://github.com/meshplus/bitxhub.git

# 2. 进入bitxhub目录,切换到指定的分支或版本后编译bitxhub二进制
cd bitxhub && git checkout release-1.6 && make install

# 注意⚠️:首次编译需要在build之前先执行 make prepare 完成依赖安装
# 编译完成后可以在项目的bin目录下看到刚刚生成的bitxhub二进制文件,可以确认下bitxhub版本是v1.6.4
bitxhub version

# 3. 接下来需要编译共识插件,进入到 internal/plugins 目录进行编译
cd internal/plugins && make plugins

# 编译完成后可以在项目的internal/plugins/build目录下看到刚刚生成的共识插件文件,raft.so和solo.so


除了源码编译外,我们也提供了直接下载BitXHub二进制的方式,下载地址链接如下:BitXHub二进制包下载,链接中已经包含了所需的二进制和依赖库,您也可以根据实际情况选择所需要的版本和系统下载,建议使用 BitXHub v1.6.4稳定版本。



如果您是在本地编译的二进制包,您也可以在项目根目录执行make cluster一键启动四节点raft共识的BitXHub集群,或者执行make solo一键启动单节点solo共识的BitXHub节点。 make cluster将通过tmux创建会话对4节点进程进行分屏显示,一键关闭bitxhub集群命令为tmux kill-session -t bitxhub

如果您是直接下载的二进制安装包,为了简化操作,我们也提供了可以直接启动raft/solo共识的节点配置文件示例,其下载地址与二进制包一样,文件名以example开头。需要注意的是,raft共识的示例配置文件是四节点集群,solo共识的示例配置文件是单个节点。 接下来只需将上一步下载的BitXHub二进制及对应插件拷贝到配置目录即可,具体操作如下:

# 1. 解压二进制压缩包,本示例中二进制文件的下载位置为~/Downloads
# 如下载到自定义下载目录,将该目录下的BitXHub与example二进制文件复制到当前的bitxhub目录下即可
mkdir bitxhub && cd bitxhub
mv {~/Downloads/bitxhub_v1.6.4_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz, ~/Downloads/example_bitxhub_v1.6.4.tar.gz} .
tar -zxvf bitxhub_v1.6.4_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz

# 2. 解压配置文件压缩包(以raft共识为例)
mkdir -p raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4}/plugins
tar -zxvf example_bitxhub_v1.6.4.tar.gz -C raft-nodes/ --strip-components=1

# 3. 将bitxhub、共识插件二进制和依赖库文件分别拷贝到4个节点的配置目录,共识插件放在配置文件的plugins目录底下
echo raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4} | xargs -n 1 cp -v {bitxhub,libwasmer.dylib}
echo raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4}/plugins | xargs -n 1 cp -v {raft.so,solo.so}

# 注意⚠️:所有操作均在新建的bitxhub目录下完成。
# 对于Linux系统依赖库文件是libwasmer.so
# 以上操作均是示例,执行时二进制和配置文件压缩包的名称可能存在差异,需要根据实际情况进行调整


├── bitxhub
├── bitxhub_v1.6.4_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
├── example_bitxhub_v1.6.4.tar.gz
├── libwasmer.dylib
├── raft-nodes
│   ├── node1
│   ├── node2
│   ├── node3
│   └── node4
├── raft.so
└── solo.so

5 directories, 6 files


cd raft-nodes/node1
./bitxhub --repo ./ start


cd raft-nodes/node4
./bitxhub --repo ./ start

注意⚠️:在启动节点时,macOS系统可能会拒绝打开该应用程序,如遇到此状况参考打开来自身份不明开发者的 Mac App,该操作将重复几次。





1. 各节点获取二进制文件

切换到上述 源码编译 的bitxhub目录下,新建文件夹raft-nodes,拷贝所获取的相关安装包;

# 1. 新建四个节点文件夹
mkdir -p raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4}/plugins

# 2. 将编译好的bithub、raft.so、libwasmer.dylib二进制复制到每个节点
echo raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4} | xargs -n 1 cp -v {bin/bitxhub,build/libwasmer.dylib}

echo raft-nodes/node{1,2,3,4}/plugins | xargs -n 1 cp -v internal/plugins/build/raft.so 

2. 初始化并修改各节点的配置文件


# 1. 为各节点生成ca证书(包含受信任的中间ca)
# 生成根CA私钥ca.priv与根ca证书ca.cert
cd raft-nodes
bitxhub cert ca

# 生成中间ca(agency)的私钥
bitxhub cert priv gen --name agency

# 生成agency的csr,用于向根ca请求证书
bitxhub cert csr --key ./agency.priv --org Agency

# 由根ca颁发agency的证书agency.cert,表示根ca信任代理ca(agency)
bitxhub cert issue --key ca.priv --cert ca.cert --csr agency.csr

# 将ca证书链复制到各节点的certs目录
echo node{1,2,3,4}/certs | xargs -n 1 cp -v {ca.cert,agency.cert}
rm agency.csr

# 2. 初始化各节点配置,--repo 指定每个节点的配置文件目录

bitxhub --repo node1 init
bitxhub --repo node2 init

# 3. 生成节点证书(以node1为例)
# 生成节点私钥,用于节点间libp2p网络通信
cd node1/certs && bitxhub cert priv gen --name node

# 生成node的scr,用于向agency请求证书
bitxhub cert csr --key ./node.priv --org Node1

# 由agency颁发节点的证书node.cert
bitxhub cert issue --key ../agency.priv --cert ../agency.cert --csr node.csr
rm node.csr

# 节点生成key.json, key.json用于区块签名等
bitxhub key gen

# 4. 修改node1中的配置文件,详细的文件配置说明见下文
vim bitxhub.toml
vim network.toml
2.1 bitxhub.toml文件配置修改说明


配置项 说明
solo 是否按照单节点模式启动BitXHub
[port] gateway、grpc、pprof和monitor服务端口
[pprof] 性能剖析配置
[monitor] 监控服务配置
[gateway] 跨域配置
[ping] ping集群节点功能
[security] 证书体系
[limiter] 流量控制配置
[log] 日志输出相关设置
[cert] 是否开启认证节点p2p通信证书
[order] 共识模块,作为插件进行加载
[executor] 执行引擎类型
[genesis] 创世节点配置

在快速体验部署流程中,需要修改的配置一般只有port、order的信息,其它配置默认即可。 以下为示例参考:



  gateway = 9091
  grpc = 60011
  pprof = 53121
  monitor = 40011

注意⚠️:在修改端口之前需要保证端口未被占用,如果启动时遇到address already in use之类的报错,请修改配置或者杀死进程释放该端口。



  plugin = "plugins/raft.so" 


bitxhub key address --path key.json
# 示例输出:0x769f719F58C6a7AE23F94274ce6435A3b5A2c99F


    address = "0x769f719F58C6a7AE23F94274ce6435A3b5A2c99F"
    weight = 1
    address = "0xc0Ff2e0b3189132D815b8eb325bE17285AC898f8"
    weight = 1
2.2 network.toml文件配置修改


配置项 说明
N 集群节点数量
id 当前节点标识
new 判断当前节点是新加入的节点
[nodes] 集群节点信息
account 节点验证者地址
hosts 节点网络地址
id 节点标识
pid p2p网络唯一标识

在实际部署过程中,需要修改的配置一般是节点数量、nodes的信息,其它配置默认即可。 以下为示例参考:

id = 1 # self id
n = 4 # the number of vp nodes
new = false # track whether the node is a new node
account = "0xc7F999b83Af6DF9e67d0a37Ee7e900bF38b3D013"
hosts = ["/ip4/"]
id = 1
pid = "QmXi58fp9ZczF3Z5iz1yXAez3Hy5NYo1R8STHWKEM9XnTL"

注意⚠️:上面 account就是上一节中bitxhub节点的address地址,hosts中一般就改变ip地址即可,节点的pid信息可以通过如下命令获取:

  bitxhub cert priv pid --path ./node1/node.priv
# 示例输出:QmTfiYrUL1naiv64uwNvVinvTvvkdJW4QEuRgECUhosAKc
2.3 order.toml文件配置修改


配置项 说明
[raft] raft 相关配置
[rbft] rbft 相关配置
[solo] solo相关配置


batch_timeout               = "0.3s"  # Block packaging time period.
tick_timeout                = "0.1s" # TickTimeout is the internal logical clock for the Node by a single tick, Election timeouts and heartbeat timeouts are in units of ticks.
election_tick               = 10 # ElectionTick is the number of Node.Tick invocations that must pass between elections.
heartbeat_tick              = 1  # HeartbeatTick is the number of Node.Tick invocations that must pass between heartbeats.
max_size_per_msg            = 1048576 # 1024*1024, MaxSizePerMsg limits the max size of each append message.
max_inflight_msgs           = 500  # MaxInflightMsgs limits the max number of in-flight append messages during optimistic replication phase.
check_quorum                = true # Leader steps down when quorum is not active for an electionTimeout.
pre_vote                    = true # PreVote prevents reconnected node from disturbing network.
disable_proposal_forwarding = true # This prevents blocks from being accidentally proposed by followers.

        batch_size          = 200   # How many transactions should the primary pack.
        pool_size           = 50000 # How many transactions could the txPool stores in total.
        tx_slice_size       = 10    # How many transactions should the node broadcast at once
        tx_slice_timeout    = "0.1s"  # Node broadcasts transactions if there are cached transactions, although set_size isn't reached yet

        sync_blocks = 1 # How many blocks should the behind node fetch at once
        snapshot_count = 1000  # How many apply index(blocks) should the node trigger at once

[rbft]        #RBFT configurations
set_size         = 25    # How many transactions should the node broadcast at once
batch_size       = 500   # How many transactions should the primary pack before sending pre-prepare
pool_size        = 50000 # How many transactions could the txPool stores in total
vc_period        = 0     # After how many checkpoint periods( Blocks = 10 * vcperiod ) the primary gets cycled automatically. ( Set 0 to disable )
check_interval   = "3m"  # interval of the check loop
tolerance_time   = "5m"  # The max tolerance time duration (in seconds) of out-of-date
batch_mem_limit  = false # Indicates whether limit batch mem size or not
batch_max_mem    = 10000 # The max memory size of one batch

        sync_state        = "3s"  # How long to wait quorum sync state response
        sync_interval     = "1m"  # How long to restart sync state process
        recovery          = "15s" # How long to wait before recovery finished(This is for release1.2)
        first_request     = "30s" # How long to wait before first request should come
        batch             = "0.5s"# Primary send a pre-prepare if there are pending requests, although batchsize isn't reached yet,
        request           = "6s"  # How long may a request(transaction batch) take between reception and execution, must be greater than the batch timeout
        null_request      = "9s"  # Primary send it to inform aliveness, must be greater than request timeout
        viewchange        = "8s"  # How long may a view change take
        resend_viewchange = "10s" # How long to wait for a view change quorum before resending (the same) view change
        clean_viewchange  = "60s" # How long to clean out-of-data view change message
        update            = "4s"  # How long may a update-n take
        set               = "0.1s" # Node broadcasts transactions if there are cached transactions, although set_size isn't reached yet

        sync_blocks = 1 # How many blocks should the behind node fetch at once

batch_timeout = "0.3s"  # Block packaging time period.

        batch_size          = 200   # How many transactions should the primary pack.
        pool_size           = 50000 # How many transactions could the txPool stores in total.
        tx_slice_size       = 10    # How many transactions should the node broadcast at once
        tx_slice_timeout    = "0.1s"  # Node broadcasts transactions if there are cached transactions, although set_size isn't reached yet

3. 启动节点


# 终端启动各节点, repo为各节点配置文件所在路径
bitxhub --repo ./node1 start
bitxhub --repo ./node2 start
bitxhub --repo ./node3 start
bitxhub --repo ./node4 start


Order is ready                                module=app plugin_path=plugins/raft.so

    ____     _    __    _  __    __  __            __
   / __ )   (_)  / /_  | |/ /   / / / /  __  __   / /_
  / __  |  / /  / __/  |   /   / /_/ /  / / / /  / __ \
 / /_/ /  / /  / /_   /   |   / __  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /
/_____/  /_/   \__/  /_/|_|  /_/ /_/   \__,_/  /_.___/
